Life Boost with Amelia

Ep 53| Let's Spread Kindness This January!

Amelia Knight Pinkston Season 1 Episode 53

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January is a long, cold, dark month. Random acts of kindness are an amazing way to combat SAD to and to boost the mood and energy for both you and those around you!
Join me in my mission to do at least one random act of kindness every day. I encourage you to do one for someone else and one for YOU.
If you join me, share what you do by tagging me on social media and using the hashtag #lifeboostkindness. Together we can start a positive ripple effect of kindness that causes a tsunami of positive change. ❤️

Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or TikTok

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Music: “Play Thing” by Ketsa
From Free Music Archive

Disclaimer: The information provided in this podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical, mental health, or professional advice. I am a certified health and life coach, not a licensed medical or mental health professional. Please consult with a healthcare provider before making any changes to your physical or mental health routines. If you are experiencing a crisis, seek help from a qualified professional or contact emergency services.

Connect with me on your favorite social media channel: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

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I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at

Hey, life Booster. This is Dr. Amelia, health coach and veterinarian here to help you ditch yo-yo dieting, people pleasing and perfectionism by breaking the norm and living a life that energizes you from within. Okay, so if you listened to my previous podcast episode, then you know that I have something that I'm super excited about for january of 2023 that something fun to, to do to bring happiness and I hope that you'll join me. And I planned on sharing it in the previous podcast episode, but I, that just ended up, um, taking on a life of its own. including me crying at the end. So if you cheers of joy. So if you missed that episode, check it out. But let's talk about something really awesome that we can all do in January to help to combat that like seasonal affective disorder, the dark, cold months. This is something that we can do that's just gonna have such a huge positive ripple effect. And it was inspired by both the number one life boost principle and a recent episode of the Mel Robbins podcast. And this has to do with kindness. So the number one life boost principle is to be kind. Treat yourself in a kind, loving, and respectful way. When you are kind to your body, then you will have more patience, you will feel more energized, you will be able to show up as a better version of you so that you can also be kind to those around you. I truly believe like that is at the core of my life boost mission is to start this really positive ripple effect where if everybody starts first with treating themselves with kindness, Just a nice ripple result. Side effect of that is that you start to be kinder to those around you. You help to inspire others to start being kinder to themselves, and that is how we can change the world. And so the recent Mel Robbins podcast, which if you aren't familiar with Mel Robbins or if you didn't know, she now has a podcast and she's awesome. So I highly recommend listening to it. But a recent episode, they were sharing some recent studies that, or like little things that you can do that can have a really positive impact on your life. And one was about a study recently done by the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Chicago, and it was titled A Little Good, goes an Unexpectedly Long Way, underestimating the Positive Impact of Kindness on Recipient. So, What this study found is that, and in general, for random acts of kindness, the cool thing is that both parties benefit. Doing a random act of kindness for somebody gives you a major happiness boost, but it also really means so much to that recipient. And what this study found is that the person who was doing the random act of kindness consistently, underestimates the positive impact that's going to have on the other person. And they talked about how it's likely that their could be so many more random actus of kindness if you were, uh, estimating appropriately the positive impact that that would have on somebody's life. But because there's probably a tendency to minimize it, you may not think like it's really, you know, like giving that compliment you may be like, oh, they won't really care. But in reality, like one comment, like one kind comment or compliment or just like doing something small for somebody else. I mean, if you think about when you're on the receiving end of that and that can just energize you for the entire day, it's so cool that something that doesn't have to take any money or a lot of effort or a lot of time can have such a powerful impact on somebody else's energy. And ultimately everything is about energy, right? We all want to have more positive energy. We want more energy, and that is in your power. Just by doing a simple, random act of kindness that will not only give you a positive boost of energy, you'll give that boost to somebody else and maybe giving that other person that boost is going to inspire them to then do it to somebody else. That is the kind of amazing, positive change and ripple effects we want to be having in this world. Right. So I've decided that throughout January I am giving myself a little fun challenge where I'm gonna do at least one random act of kindness every day. And I also encourage you to do a random act of kindness for yourself as well. A little spin. So that may be just gifting yourself like a free hour. Maybe you get a really nourishing snack that's like a little bit of a splurge, or you give yourself a compliment. All of those are really great acts of kindness. Maybe you. wake up with enough time so that you get to journal in the morning and have that like cozy awesome start to your day instead of just pushing snooze on the alarm clock a million times and having your whole morning and day rushed. There are so many things that you can do for yourself that are random acts of kindness, but in terms of what you can do for others, gosh, the options are endless. Truly giving somebody a genuine compliment and just helping them to feel seen in a positive way or appreciated, that can have such a huge impact on somebody. But you can also, I mean, say you just like buy somebody's coffee or if you leave an extra big tip for somebody. or maybe you like leave a scratch ticket or like a lottery ticket for somebody. Or maybe like$5 gift card you put on somebody's windshield to Starbucks or something. Um, there are so many ways to spread kindness in this world. So what I would love is for you to join me and I would like to see what you're doing. So if you can share on social media, and I am now on TikTok ps, but if you share on Instagram or maybe TikTok and tag me so that I can see what you are doing, and let's use the hashtag#lifeboostkindness use this both for random acts of kindness towards yourself and random acts of kindness to others. So let's see what kind of positive change we can make in January. I know it's a long cold month, but I think this is just such a fun way to have something positive to look forward to every day. It's a great way to warm your heart during the cold months and to boost your energy in a totally doable way. So please let me know if you're going to join me. Please share this podcast episode or this idea with others so that we can start 2023 with a really awesome, positive ripple effect of kindness cheers to your inevitable health, happiness, and success.