Life Boost with Amelia

Ep 52| Life Boost Updates And Why I Keep Crying

Amelia Knight Pinkston Season 1 Episode 52

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I went MIA for a while - not on purpose! In this episode, I share what I’ve been up to, why that break was just what I needed, and what has been bringing tears to my eyes. 

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Start the New Year strong with free access to the first  modules in my Life Boost Game Changer course

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Music: “Play Thing” by Ketsa
From Free Music Archive

Disclaimer: The information provided in this podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical, mental health, or professional advice. I am a certified health and life coach, not a licensed medical or mental health professional. Please consult with a healthcare provider before making any changes to your physical or mental health routines. If you are experiencing a crisis, seek help from a qualified professional or contact emergency services.

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Hey, life boosters. This is Dr. Amelia health coach and veterinarian here to help you ditch the Yo-Yo dieting people pleasing and perfectionism by breaking the norm and living a life that energizes you from within. How are you doing? It has been a little while since I have been on this podcast. I kind of went m i a for a bit and it actually wasn't planned. I was loving podcasting. I still love podcasting. But there were some things that were happening behind the scenes and I just needed to pause from the podcast for a little bit. But don't you worry, I will be back for 2023. So there has been a lot going on behind the scenes in life Boost land. Um, one thing, not very life boost Landy, just in my own personal life, Matt and I took a trip to England and Scotland. Um, that was fantastic. It is so beautiful there. Scotland, especially like Scotland and the Lake District in England. Um, it's just stunning. It's like every single place that you look, it is gorgeous. And that made me happy. Just, you know, getting to be outside. We had some really special moments of like, you know, it's, it's always the little moments that surprise you that really like stick with you memory wise. So for example, we flew into Inverness in Scotland and um, Lochness was around there. So we drove around that loch and the sun was starting to set and Matt looked for... we were just looking for some pretty lookout areas and he found one and we were like, ah, maybe we could get there like just in time to watch the sunset. So we were driving and you know, the roads in Scotland and England are so narrow and windy. I did not drive, Matt did the driving and he did a fantastic job because we survived. So I'd say A+ to Matt. Anyways, we were driving and we are trying to get to this lookout so we can just like look over the lock as the sun is setting and we are going to a pretty high point. So we keep driving up and up on this little windy road and then we finally get to the spot that's supposed to be the lookout. I mean, it doesn't look like anything. It's like just fields everywhere and there's little gate leading into this open field with this very small little path, like leading up and up. So, um, we like the sun is going to set, so we're like, okay, let's go. And we get out of the car, I open the car door and it just flies open. The wind was unreal, I guess it was so high. And being by the lock, I don't know if it's always like this, but. I don't remember ever being in so much wind It was hysterical. Like so much so that I have a video of Matt like leaning, like putting all of his body weight, just like leaning up against the wind and it, like holding him. So we are kind of running up this field like hill with this tiny little path was the wind is literally just like pushing us so much and we are, it is so cold. Also, side note, which, okay, this is gonna be a little bit of a detour, but I do not like being cold at all. I am from Maine. I moved to North Carolina because I don't like being cold. And Scotland in general is kind of cold and rainy is like their default weather and I didn't even care. It's so beautiful there that the entire time it did not bother me that it was kind of cold and drizzly the whole time. So, let that be a sign of of how beautiful it is there. So it is super windy. It is freezing and we are running up this hill that's just never ending because as soon as we get to like what looks like the peak, there's just like another dip and then another big hill. And it was the best. I was like laughing hysterically the entire time. The whole experience was just so fun and magical and unexpected. Like we had no idea that that we were going to have to have this experience in order to get to this lookout. And so ultimately we did end up, like we made it, um, we were able to like see the sun setting over the lock. It was just this perfect, magical moment that we didn't even know was ahead, like it was completely unplanned and there were other moments like that as well. So just a little reminder, you know, even on days that you think might be hard, always leave room for the opportunity for the day to surprise you in a really magical way is that you never know what days are gonna have those little positive moments that stick with you forever. So back to what has been happening in Life Boost Land So I originally was planning on just, you know, not creating for a while, taking a little bit of a break, like really focusing on my clients and coaching, but not taking on any new project. And I laugh because I have now created the biggest thing that I have created from my coaching life, and it's something that I'm insanely proud of. And here's why. I did take a break. I took a step back. I was really resting and that is what allowed me to create my New Life Boost membership and Game Changer course that is everything. It's a game changer. And the only reason I was able to create this is because I really resisted my perfectionist tendencies or like that go, go, go tendency. And I rested and I reflected and I took a step back and really thought about like my journey this far, like going from being completely miserable like a burnout vet. Just like waking up and already wanting the day to be over, like I truly at that point was just like living for retirement. It's so sad when I think about I was truly wishing away decades of my life because I felt like I had made this massive mistake in my career. I regretted everything and then I also just felt physically miserable as well. Like my body was trying to tell me when I was starting to recover that's when I started to get into manifesting, which sounds like a little like woo woo out there, but it, it truly is like backed by science and it is taking advantage of the way that your brain works and turning your dreams into a reality. And I thought about like, what are all of the concepts that I've had to learn? that have helped to shift my mindset to a much more positive mindset, a growth mindset instead of that like negative fixed mindset of like, nothing is ever going to change, woe is me. This is miserable, and like what helped me get to this point where I have so have had so many experiences that seemed so unattainable. And yet here I am and I've also, I really reflected on like what are the key things that have been instrumental in helping my clients to have similar transformations where they're living a life that they didn't know was possible, and where they have so much more energy and where they understand themselves on a much deeper level. And I thought about like, what, what does everybody need? Like what are the foundational principles and concepts that you need to be set up for long-term success, like where your success is inevitable and what helps you to have resilience, right? Resilience is key so that even during the times that feel hard in life, how can you still be moving forward towards what you want and then that's how I put together my Life Boost membership site. So let me take a step back for a minute. So here's what's happening on like a bird's eye view level. I decided to have, I still have my six month one-on-one program with my clients, but I now have a one year membership, so now you can be with me for an entire year. And if you want that year to be a game changer, like if you are just wanting change in your life and you are feeling stuck or it's just not happening, or you like keep trying things and you're exhausted, and yet you're not where you want to be, then the Life Boost one your membership is guaranteed to be a game changer. Like I cannot tell you enough if you come into the life Boost space and hang out with me for a year, even in one month, you know, and six months in a year, you are going to look back and you're going to be in awe of how much has changed, because it won't only be the things in your life, you know, maybe like your body feels different, or maybe things have changed in your career, but your entire mindset and the way that you view yourself and your circumstances will have changed so much. You aren't going to believe how much has changed. And that's what's possible if you come into my space for the yearly membership. And what I have done is I created the Life Boost membership site and that's basically where I organized my brain. You know, that's where I thought about all the core concepts, all the resources that I have. And the thing that was hard is that I had created so many resources that it was kind of overwhelming. Like, not only to my clients, but for me sometimes of like, I had so many things that I would want to throw at you, that that was too much. You know, like if there's too much information, then where do you even start? And that that's not very life boost. I don't, don't ever want you to be overwhelmed. So that was my priority, was to take a step back and think, what is the order like how can I just build one thing after another so that you have a solid foundation of success? So it's like a ripple effect. It's a snowball effect. You know, things just build and build, giving you more and more momentum. So the membership site does that where you come into my space and it starts out with like just one thing for you to focus on. The membership site has a huge number of resources, and yet you slowly unlock those as appropriate for you based on what you're ready for, and everyone is going to start with My Life Boost Game Changer course because that is the necessary foundation for everybody. And this isn't just, I'm not necessarily talking about like with healthy changes, I'm talking with any goals that you have in life if you want have your goals turn into reality. If you want to be manifesting the life that you're dreaming of, these are all the core concepts that you need to be always moving forward. Because one of the biggest mistakes is that, and especially, you know, I was just talking about being in that like go, go, go do, do, do mode. There is a tendency to just rush into doing without getting super clear on what it is you actually want. And that is such a big mistake, right? Because if you rush into like the doing before getting super clear on what it is you want, then you risk that your approach is not going to actually get you where you think it is. And an example of that is with weight loss. So if you think that you just want to be a certain, you want a certain number on the scale, you want to lose a certain amount of weight, then if you just jump into action then and you do what is normal in our society. You'll probably think, okay, I'm gonna just count my calories and I'm going to have, it's going to be like restricting. I'm not gonna be able to like eat the food that I really want to. I'm gonna have to rely on discipline and willpower, and then once I see that number, everything's going to be better. So the mistake there is that you're making the assumption, that once you see that number on the scale, magical things are gonna happen in your life and suddenly you're going to feel better. But if you're not getting clear on what that feeling is that you want, you're at risk of being very disappointed because you could very easily do all of those things. Ignoring your body, making your life harder, meal planning, when you don't really have time for that, just feeling hungry and miserable and just feeling exhausted. So say you get on that scale. You step on the scale, you see your goal number, but you feel exhausted and kind of cranky because you really want that to be bad, you want to cheat and prob, there's a good chance once you see that number, you're going to give yourself permission to cheat and then probably just go right back to where you were. You're not going to feel the way that you thought you were because it's, everything is going to feel fragile and you're going to be exhausted and your entire sense of self worth is going to be tied to that number. So what happens if you do cheat a little bit and suddenly that number goes up a little bit? Well, now you are going to have to punish yourself. Now you don't feel good about yourself. You're not going to feel confident unless you see the number that you want to on the scale. Now if you instead started that journey by getting crystal clear on what it is you actually want, and it's not the number on the scale, it's how you think seeing that number is going to make you feel. You think that when you step on that scale and see that number, you are going to feel confident. You're going to feel more comfortable in your clothes. You're going to have energy. You are going to be able to love yourself. Now, if you get clear on that, that is ultimately what you want. Now you can make sure that your approach is helping you to start feeling that way every step of the way, and that does not mean exhausting yourself and depriving yourself. If you want to have energy, then every step of the way you can be choosing the food and the lifestyle choices that are giving you good energy and helping you to feel more lean. you can also start prioritizing your relationship with yourself and sense of self-worth now, because if you want to have that sense of unconditional love, you cannot tie your sense of self-worth to the scale. You need to start repairing your relationship now and calling out your inner critic, treating your body with kindness and remembering that your body's number one goal in life. It's only mission is to keep you safe and to protect you. Your body is the only thing in this world where it's only focus is to protect you and keep you safe. And so if things aren't feeling good in your body or even in your heart, that is, that's your body telling you that there's something in your life that's not working and that's not something to ignore. That is something to lean into and get curious, because that is a gift. If you learn that your body is always trying to tell you something that's missing in your life and you get curious about that, that is when you unlock the answer to something that you need, something that's missing in your life that is going to help you to feel more whole. So the difference between the like feeling that you ultimately want and like the, that result that you want, the number on the scale I call the, the feeling that you ultimately want. That's your winning goal. That is what you ultimately want. It's how you want to feel, how it's going to make you feel about yourself. you have to get crystal clear on that. And then those other things, you know, like being able to like maybe wear those pair of pants or seeing that number on the scale, that's a ripple result. That is if you really lean into and follow what you, how you want to feel, then it's going to cause a ripple effect. And that's there the side effect of making those choices that help you to feel that way so that you are going to see that number on the scale, but it's just gonna be a side effect because if you achieve that way that you want to feel the number. Scale is just going to be, it's not going to matter to you as much. It's going to be a nice side effect, but there's a good chance you will have, you will have ditched the scale at that point, because it doesn't matter if you feel confident in your body, if you love yourself, if you're feeling energized and good, it doesn't matter if you ha if you achieve that number that you just assumed was going to make everything better. Because everything will be better already. And the life Boost game changer course. And when you come into my space, I'm going to make sure that the very first step before even jumping into action is that you start turning inward and I hope you to start looking at your life, like what are all of the aspects of your life that, what aspects are feeling full and what aspects have been being neglected because all aspects of your life influence all others. But if you're like just focusing on your health, um, and you're ignoring the fact that like your career is causing so much stress in your life and that's impacting all of your choices in your health, so you have to look at your life as a whole. You do that and then you really practice turning inward and starting to get curious about all the things that your body and your heart are telling you. Uncover some of your hidden desires. What you truly want, and I help you to start managing your nervous system and partnering with your nervous system because the key to resilience is being able to understand when you're getting stuck in that sympathetic fight or flight response, and knowing how to calm yourself and to bring yourself back into that parasympathetic state because part of achieving your goals and moving forward in life, it does mean that you are going to have to do hard things, but hard things can be really energizing and great. It's not something that you have to shy away from as long as those hard things that you're doing are coming from a space of self-compassion and moving forward. So I could go on and on here. Uh, the best way to say it is that this yearly membership is going to be a game changer, and this Life Boost course is a game changer. Uh, hands down if you want, whatever goals you have this year for 2023, especially if that is to just like slow down. But even if you have like huge goals and even like relationship or your careers and health, This is where you need to start. So, so I'm not sure if I've made it clear. So let me just give an overview again, because I never know where this podcast is going to take me. And we just went, went on quite the ride. So the Life Boost yearly membership, it involves group coaching calls so that I am there for you every step of the way, helping you to uncover your blind spots and to really expedite your results. And then you'll also join a life Boost Community Forum. So that's a space where anytime you can come to ask questions and receive coaching, and to just connect with a community of other amazing people who are breaking the norm, going on a similar journey to you. And then you also get access to the Life Boost membership site. And so basically, you come into this space and there are a huge number of resources to help you get clear on who you are, what you truly want. how to partner with your nervous system, how to manifest the life that you want. I am going to help you understand all about gut health and balancing blood sugar, how to figure out the food that is right for you. How to create a lifestyle that meets all those three life boost B's that you love. You love the way it makes you feel. The things that you are doing makes sense. It fits in with your lifestyle and it's long term. You're creating a new norm, and then there are courses of like, I'm going to help you break or create any habit that you want. You will have courses to help you establish boundaries like with yourself and your environment, with others, with your time. We're gonna help you with imposter syndrome and you know, my brain, I just keep creating, plus I really value what you need. And so when you join the Life Boost community, if you tell me that there are new resources that would be helpful, I am there for you. I will be creating that and, and of course more recipes I'll its a given that you're gonna be an absolute pro at throwing together super easy, delicious, quick, nourishing meals that you're obsessed with because that is a foundation for Life Boost. So that's what you can expect with a yearly membership option. If you choose to be a one-on-one client, then you have access to everything that's included in that. So you also get to join in on those weekly group coaching calls, which is super cool. But then we also have, um, one-on-one sessions together and you get unlimited text and email support. So it's basically like the VIP experience. And then if you're hearing about all of this and it's sounding really good, but you're just not you just, you want like a taste of life boost land then I understand that. So what I have done is that you can do a one month trial where basically you'll get to do a month of the weekly group coaching calls. You'll get to see that forum, that community support, and you can get the Life by Life Boost Game Changer course. Um, and you'll have lifetime access for that, that way you get to see what is possible and you get the Life Boost Game Changer course, which it is called The Game Changer because that will change your life. Like I, I can't even tell you how much it's going to change everything for you. You could definitely spend an entire year just with that course, and it would, it would be huge. So I. I am so excited about this, like my heart is so full. So it, Christmas just happened and on Christmas morning I had tears in my eyes. It had nothing to do with Christmas. I was sitting there because I wanted to looking at the program that I had created, and I just, I was so proud of it. because I know how much it is going to change so many lives. Like I know, like right now I'm getting like chills because I know the, the journey that I went on from like that lowest point of my life to where I am now, and I know that I'm going to be able to provide that experience to so many. and it gives me chills and it brings tears to my eyes, like Seriously, right now I'm tearing up and that's something that at some point I can talk more about. But like I, um, am the type of person who I learned to like really suppress my emotions a lot, especially in the veterinary profession. I'm kind of like surprised that I'm doing this right now. Um, I certainly have learned to like connect with my emotions and to really lean into them and to trust them, but I am so grateful for where I am and I'm just so excited that put this. like, I've created this and I'm able to put this into the world because I am so excited about what a positive ripple effect it is going to have. I need to pause it for a second. I just know so deeply in my heart that this is, this is going to be it for so many. And I'm just really proud and grateful for where I am right now and that I've been able to, I'm, it just is like, I think about all the things that in my life that I regretted so deeply for so long, you know, like I felt like I wasted my childhood being like, I felt like like I never had fun or relaxed cuz I was so focused on just achieving and getting the A cuz I thought it was so important that I become a vet and then like I made that huge investment and went through vet school, which like honestly was like a traumatic experience when I think back to it, it was so stressful. I felt like those four years I just like totally was like in a stress response the entire time. Like zero fun. And then I just felt like, like everything I had just like wasted and I had so many regrets and now I see like I never would've been able to create this and to help others to have so much positive change in their life. If I. Had that experience, like all of those were so instrumental and now I'm so grateful and now I'm able to just appreciate where I'm at now so much more. Like now I am able to like, have fun and let myself relax and like sure, maybe I, if I had gone back, I would've, I would do things differently if I knew what I know now. But I'm glad that I, that I didn't because I wouldn't have been able to be where I am now. So one of the biggest things I want to leave you with is that no matter like how you're feeling now, if things are feeling hard, if you want something to change, if you're feeling stuck, like I promise it will be so much better. Those hard times are temporary, and if you. Do just start listening to your body, mind, and heart as one. They are going to tell you what's missing in your life and what you need, and as long as you just get curious and really lean into that, I'm getting emotional. Okay you will move forward towards your goals. So if you do want to learn more about the programs or if you do wanna sign up, I'll leave the link in the show notes. I was going to tell you about a new, exciting, fun thing that I have for January, but, um, we're like almost 35 minutes into this podcast, so I think I'll make that a whole separate. One other thing I guess I could mention is that, One reason why I stopped with a podcast for a moment was that I was having trouble with the sound. Suddenly, I don't know, even with like the editing software, there was a lot of background sound. Like I actually have a podcast episode one or two that I recorded like months ago that I haven't aired yet because I was having some issues with that. So I really hope that this, this one does sound okay. I'm. I'm gonna ditch perfectionism though, and just, I'm gonna share it even if the sound isn't perfect, you know? Um, so there may be another podcast episode um, coming soon, but I'll share what's a really fun thing that I have available, um, in 2023 in the next episode. And I guess I should also note, if you're just like really wanting to get like a tiny glimpse of the Life Boost Game Changer course, I did make it so that you can test out the first module. That's a really awesome place to start, just in terms of like, Thinking about where you're at right now and, starting to get clearer on why other things haven't been working in your life you can have access to the first module and the Life Boost Game Changer course for free. So I'll leave leave a link for that so you can test that out. All right. I am wishing you an amazing start to 2023. know that amazing change is possible for you. Thank you so much for being in this space and for spending time with me. Cheers to your inevitable health, happiness, and success.