Life Boost with Amelia
Welcome to the Life Boost with Amelia podcast where we're changing the narrative around what true health and success look like. They should give you energy, not drain them. Whether you’re a veterinary professional, a high-achieving perfectionist, or a people pleaser ready to not just look good on paper but to FEEL good, my goal is to always leave you with a fresh perspective that lifts a weight off your shoulders by the end of the episode.
I'm your host, Dr. Amelia - multi-passionate integrative health and life coach, entrepreneur, and recovered burnout veterinarian. Together, we'll explore the science behind how your brain and body work, including the unconscious mind while also connecting with what your heart needs in order to stand up to the norm of feeling stuck on a hamster wheel-working hard yet feeling exhausted and not where you want to be- and instead live a life that makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning and in love with who you see when you look in the mirror.
The reality is if you do what everyone else is doing, you're not going to feel good. Let's break the norm.
Life Boost with Amelia
Ep. 36| What You Need To Know About Oils and Fatty Acids
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Do you pay attention to your fat?
Not your body fat or calories/macros. The KIND of fat you’re eating. Tthat little detail makes all the difference.
Here’s the deal:
If you eat the foods that are normal in our society, your diet is probably causing inflammation in your body (without you realizing).
You know how a tiny paper cut makes your finger red, swollen, and really painful? That’s inflammation. It’s good! It’s temporary and appropriate as your body heals.
But what if there’s inflammation throughout your body and it’s not short term? That’s when weird signs like GI issues, headaches, achy joints, sinus congestion, allergies, brain fog, exhaustion, low mood, and weight gain start showing up.
If inflammation makes a tiny paper cut on your finger super painful, imagine what it does when it’s constantly throughout your body.
Welcome to the world of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids! They’re kind of a big deal. Both are essential - your body doesn’t make them so you NEED to consume both in your diet. But the RATIO really matters. And the norm is for that ratio to not be working in your favor.
If you’re like most people, you probably go out to eat pretty often and eat processed food. It’s convenient, right? You are consuming PLENTY of omega 6’s.
What about the number of fatty fish (salmon, sardines, anchovies, mackerel, herring), walnuts, flax seed, chia seeds, and algae you consume? Omega 3’s aren’t so plentiful in most diets.
When you consume way more omega-6’s compared to omega-3’s that causes inflammation in your body. The norm in our society is a ratio of 10 to 25:1. Ideally we want that to be closer to 1:1. Yikes.
When the ratio is closer to 3:1 that becomes ANTI-inflammatory! That’s when you start to experience really positive changes in your body. Note how just counting calories or macros totally misses this majorly important piece of the puzzle.
Once you start paying attention to the kind of fats you’re consuming, you can start making small tweaks that make all the difference! What oils are best to cook with? Is canola oil good or bad? How can you improve your ratio if you hate fish? Listen to my this episode and I’ll fill you in on everything you need to know to start making small changes that will have a hugely positive impact on the way you feel physically and mentally. ❤️
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Disclaimer: The information provided in this podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical, mental health, or professional advice. I am a certified health and life coach, not a licensed medical or mental health professional. Please consult with a healthcare provider before making any changes to your physical or mental health routines. If you are experiencing a crisis, seek help from a qualified professional or contact emergency services.
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To learn more about my approach and the programs and free resources available to support you, visit my website: www.lifeboost.today
I love to hear from you. You can always reach me at amelia@lifeboost.today.