Life Boost with Amelia

Ep 70 | Human Design and Living Life Without Regrets with Guest Yvonne Chung

Amelia Knight Pinkston Season 2 Episode 70

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In this episode, I have a conversation with guest, Yvonne Chung, about the ingredients to live life without regret and how human design can be a valuable tool for increasing self-awareness and living life in a way that increases energy, pleasure, and fulfillment in your life instead of draining it.

Yvonne is a certified coach, self-love mentor, dream architect, and human design guide whose work lies at the intersection of the practical and the mystical, the research and the woo. With a focus on positive psychology and Human Design, she helps heart-led, soul-missioned leaders overcome self-doubt, master their energy, and create lives of meaning, deep fulfillment, and ease. Having faced her own mortality at 32 years old, her mission now is is to help as many people as she can live fearlessly so they can die without regrets.

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substack @yvonnechungco

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Welcome to the life boost with a million podcast where we're changing the narrative around what true health and success look like. They should give you energy, not drain it. I'm your host, Dr. Amelia multi-passionate integrative health and life coach, entrepreneur, and recovered burnout veterinarian. Together, we'll explore the science behind how your brain and body work, including the unconscious mind while also connecting with what your heart needs in order to stand up to the norm of feeling stuck on a hamster wheel-working hard yet feeling exhausted and not where you want to be- and instead live a life that makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning and in love with who you see when you look in the mirror. The reality is if you do what everyone else is doing, you're not going to feel good. Let's break the norm.


Hi friends, I am so excited to introduce you to my guest today, Yvonne Chung. Yvonne is a certified coach, self love mentor, dream architect, and human design guide, whose work lies at the intersection of the practical and the mystical, the research and the woo. With a focus on positive psychology and human design, She helps heart led, soul missioned leaders overcome self doubt, master their energy, and create lives of meaning, deep fulfillment, and ease. Having faced her own mortality at 32 years old, her mission now is to help as many people as she can live fearlessly. So that they can die without regrets. Yvonne, welcome and thank you for being here.


Thank you so much for having me. It's such a pleasure.


Uh, I also just need to say I love your bio. I feel like it summarizes you so well and just every time I read it I'm just like, damn that's good. Like it's powerful and


you so much. Sometimes, you know, like when you're on the other side, you're just like, hmm, does this, is this too long? Is this too short? Is this too verbose? Is that, you know? So thank you so much for saying that.


understand. Yeah, I think it's amazing. Well done.


Oh, thanks.


Sure. So there are several reasons why I wanted you here. First is we originally connected through the integrative change work program that we both did like at the beginning of last year. And you just are the type of person. You just have a really great genuine energy to you and just a very grounding presence and Anytime I connect with somebody like that like I want to know more But I also feel like you are the kind of person that our world needs to be hearing from and learning from and I know that you have a lot of Wisdom and great perspectives to share. And I think that's so important. And then you also introduced me to the world of human design, which blew my mind. And I have an episode, episode 63, where I shared my experience, getting a reading with you and just how much that really blew my mind in terms of having some clarity on what led me to burnout and also understanding now why I feel like I'm living a life that is energizing and aligned with my purpose. And so when I was recording that episode, I was like, okay, I really need to have Yvonne on explaining human design because I can't. So I'm so happy that you can help to share that. And then also.


my ears, like hearing you say that after learning more about your human design, now you feel like you're living a life that's more energizing and, and more filled with purpose. I'm just like, Oh my God, yes, this is why I do what I


Yeah, it's such a cool tool that I think more people need to know about. And then(Yvonne: absolutely) I know that you have a really remarkable story of facing your own mortality. And I think in a world that, Is just normalizing living in survival mode and teaching us to ignore our bodies so that we're missing some of the red flags and warning signs largely because of just a lot of, a lot of the conditioning that we have. I think it's so important for people to be sharing their stories, not just so people can kind of, hear some of the signs when you're heading to those really hard points, but also getting to hear what happens after, like reaching those low challenging points, how that can lead you down a really beautiful path of getting to know yourself more and connecting with a life that does I give you more energy than drains and you know energy ultimately is everything so


yes, yes, yes.


Yeah, so I'm so excited to dive into all of that with you but before we do I do like to start with one question that I think just helps to get to the root of who you are and also to the root of what really matters. So, when are the times when you feel most alive?


I think that one of, one of them would be when I'm traveling. Um,




when I'm traveling, it's like, it's like, This, this question reminds me of this exercise that I do with clients around like, what are your key ingredients for thriving? Which is like, like, what are those elements that make you feel the most alive and present and engaged? And for me, that answer was always like traveling because something that I realized with traveling, my key ingredients for thriving, um, is like novelty. Like when there's, when I'm surrounded by newness, I feel so alive because it kind of almost forces me to be present and engaged in like in the present moment. So it's like new places, new people, new smells, new things that I see. And it's like it kind of puts me into the present moment. And I think another thing about like traveling that makes me feel so alive is also like engaging with people. It's something that I, I'm doing a lot when I'm traveling. It's like engaging with new people and feeling connected. And that makes me feel really alive too. It's like connecting with people. And then I think the third element that comes in with traveling is a lot of times when I'm traveling, I'm traveling to see like really beautiful nature spots and like being in nature. Really makes me feel alive because it's also again back to that present moment stuff, right? Or it's like I'm here. I'm in nature like I'm just I don't know, experiencing the rhythm, the natural rhythms around me. And that makes me feel really, really alive too. Yeah. I love that.


I can relate so much to that, like I, some of my core values, one is adventure, so I can really relate to just liking that novelty, and then also connection, in both like the genuine connections with people, but also in nature, and I love that ultimately what you're saying is it's about being present, right, like not missing your life in this moment. Yeah.


anytime I think about, cause I could keep listing things that make me feel really alive, but anytime I think about those things, it like really, that's what it boils down to is like how present I can be. Cause like the other one that popped into my mind is like when I'm at a music festival and I'm just like, Dancing my ass off, like, you know, in the middle of like being surrounded by the music and everything. And it's like, I'm not thinking about anything else other than like just being right there with the music. And so like presence is like, I don't know. That's what makes me feel the most alive and engaged with my life. Moments of presence,


Yeah. That's such an important message. And, and I'm curious just while we're on that topic, in your day to day life, are there certain things that you feel like help you to, just to be present in the moment?


definitely yoga, which I, you know, it's always like a, like a on and off practice. You know, like, that's one thing for me is like, I, I want to be more consistent, but I also don't want to be so like cracking the whip on myself and shaming myself for my inconsistency. It's something about like honoring my own energy and the ebbs and flows, but I've been practicing yoga for almost 20 years. And that's something that always like brings me back to, okay, we're here. It's just you and your breath and your body and Yes. We're here now.


Yeah, I love that. Yoga is so great for that. It's just like, oh, hi, body.


Yeah, exactly. Hello.


Like, yeah, reconnecting.


Yeah. And it's always one of those things where like the startup cost is always like, okay, I got to get it. I should do this thing. And then like, I never regret it once I'm done and I'm laying there and I'm just like, Oh, this was the best idea.


absolutely, yeah. It took me forever to get into yoga, and I used to, like, even during, while doing it, I'd be like, I'm not good at this, or this isn't for me, but now it is such an important practice. But I also love how you're like, I'm not going to pressure myself to be super consistent, you know, necessarily and just really, yeah, just kind of honoring when you're


Yeah, exactly. Especially when you're like, when you get sick or when you're on your period or like something, you know, where it's just, or you just sometimes have those days where you just, you know what, I just don't got it in me and that's okay. You know, like it's something that that's always there that I can always come back to and like, you know, I think like shaming ourselves around that can do more harm than good. Right.


Totally. I think there's so much about just being gentle with ourselves and honoring when we have those days when we just don't feel like Yeah,




So we talked about what makes you feel alive, and I'm sure people are curious, you know, in the intro talked about how you faced your own mortality at 32 years old. That's really notable. So do you mind sharing some of your story of, like, what led to that point, and then, and then also what happened after that has led you to this point now?


yeah, I mean it what led me to that point honestly is still a mystery, right? Like it was a very sudden thing that came on. It was in 2021. I just like it was a Saturday morning. I just like walked down the stairs on a normal Saturday morning was like getting, getting ready to make some breakfast, hanging out with my roommates downstairs. And all of a sudden I just started feeling these like sharp pulsating pains coursing through my arms and my chest and my back. And I was standing there in the kitchen like, like, my God, am I having a heart attack? Like what is going on? And my roommate looks over at me kind of joking, like, what, do you go to the hospital or something? And I'm like, actually, actually, I think I do need to go to the hospital. I don't know what's happening. And, um, the pain just kept Increasing and getting worse. And one of my other roommates had to literally like throw me over his shoulder and carry me to the car, throw me in the back seat. And they like had to drive me to the emergency room. And you know, they ran like a bunch of tests, like CAT scans and X rays and all these things. And they're just like, you look, you seem very healthy. We don't know what's wrong with you. And, uh, the doctor comes in and he's like, you know, you're probably just anxious. Everybody's anxious these days because of COVID. And I was like, Yes, I'm hysterical. That's what's happening. Right. Um, but I was like, this is not anxiety. I don't know what's wrong with me, but it's not anxiety. I'm, I'm not generally an anxious person. I, I, I have had an anxiety attack before, but, and I know what that feels like. And that's not what this is. He's like, no, no, you know, people are just anxious these days. He prescribed me some Ativan and then sent me home. And I was just like in excruciating pain. I like took the Ativan. Of course it didn't help. with anything really. Um, and then the next day I woke up and my entire torso was numb, like all the way around. And so I went back to the ER.




isn't anxiety. I need to see a neurologist. Something is very, very wrong. Um, and so they get me a neurologist and she's like, okay, we need to get you an MRI of your brain. Uh, something's not right here. And so over the course of Like we we get an MRI of my brain and brainstem and they found that my my body was attacking my brainstem And so there was inflammation all over my nervous system which was causing all of this severe pain and over the course of several weeks, um, because the healthcare system is not great. You know, they had me on this wild goose chase to nail down a neurologist, a specialist to get the tests that I needed and yada, yada, yada. Um, and they, they ran like over 30 different tests for like rare brain diseases, blood disorders, all these things. And after the battery of tests, they were still like question mark. We don't know what's wrong with you. Um, yeah and then so after I finally got some treatment to help with the inflammation and pain which like honestly should have been done at the ER had they taken me more seriously but it wasn't done for like 2 3 weeks so I was living in excruciating pain 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Like, I was, I was basically just dying. on the couch. When I was on the couch, I was in bed and like the nerve damage was so severe that I, I couldn't open a Ziploc bag. I couldn't wash my own hands. Cause it just felt like, like sand. I felt like I had been blasted with sand and like wearing clothes hurt my skin and I couldn't shower. I couldn't, I couldn't stretch my arms because it felt like my muscles were like ripping apart. It was, it was, it was my personal hell. Yeah. And it was just this. On top of the physical pain, it was this extreme mental and emotional and spiritual burden of like what's happening to me? Is this going to kill me? Am I going to die? Like, is this just going to degenerate my body until I basically like can't human anymore? And there was this, you know, I was 32 years old before this. I was very healthy, like no problems with my health or anything. And then it was just like, we don't know what's wrong with you. But, uh, We know that your body's attacking your brainstem. Um, and yeah, and so it was just this, this really profound experience of coming face to face with the potential of my own death. Like, this might kill you, Yvonne. This, like, who knows what's gonna happen? Like, this might be it for you. And even if this isn't it, you may not be able to live your life the way that you had thought you were going to. Like, all the plans you have for your future, everything. Like, my hands couldn't even hold water because, like, The damage and the nerve damage in my hands was so bad. And I was a guitarist, a rock climber, very physically active. And so it was a big mourning and a grieving of the life that I had and the life that I thought I would have and the identities that I had and the person I thought I would be, the life I thought I would lead, and I had to sit for weeks in this state of my life being over as I knew it, um, and possibly dying. And after receiving the treatments and, um, going to physical therapy and operational therapy and most of the pain had subsided after the treatments that I got, um, after about like two, one to two months. Um, most of the pain had subsided, but the nerve damage was so, severe in so many different like it was mostly my arms and my hands, my shoulders and back, you know, like, and took maybe around eight months to recover mostly, you know, even still to this day, I'm not like at a hundred percent. Um, but, uh, yeah, it was a long road to recovery and, um, on the outside, you know, I seem Like the same as I was, but on the inside, so much had changed, you know, just coming face to face with like those questions of like, okay, you might die tomorrow. How do you feel about your life? Like, if you were to die tomorrow, how would you feel about your life? And really having to come face to face with those questions. And, and, you know, the beautiful, even it was, even though it was a horrible, horrible experience, I'm still so grateful for that experience because not very many people have the opportunity to face their own judgment of their lives and how they are living their lives in such a visceral way. And in those moments where I was where I still had no answers. Uh, I mean, I still don't have answers, but we're in those moments where I was in the depths of my pain and I had no answers and I wasn't sure what was going to happen. Um, you know, the, the life flashing before your eyes kind of thing. It was like, you know, having to really face my own judgment of like, how have you lived? How are your relationships? How did you follow your own compass? Are you happy with the life that you led? And, you know, at the end of the day, I, I was. And I'm really grateful for that opportunity to see that and to feel in that deep, deep visceral way of like, you know what? I'm fucking happy with the life that I've created. I'm proud of myself. I've gone after every single dream that I've had, or at least I've tried. And I've worked really hard toward living my life true to myself, being good to people that I love and, and coming face to face with that judgment day was like, okay, if I die, it's okay. It's okay. And that's why, you know, I came out of that experience with so much more conviction in the work that I do. And with a renewed sense of connection to my mission and a renewed sense of like, I want to be able to help people get to their deathbeds feeling like, you know what? I'm fucking proud of the life that I've created and I don't regret it. And if I die tomorrow, that's okay. That feeling is like, I don't know that feeling of peace




that you have when you're faced with your own mortality like at the end of the day You can't take your company with you. You can't take your money with you You can't take any of that with you But you can sit on your deathbed and feel at peace with the life that you've created and who you How who you showed up as and how you were in your life, and that's what I want to help people with you know






I mean that's so powerful and so comforting when you do realize that, especially in the situation where you were in. When you were realizing that you didn't have regrets, what do you think, what were some of the things that helped you to, to have clarity on that? Like, what were some of the ways, I guess, that you were living your life that helped you to feel like you weren't living with regrets? Because, you know, I, I'm at this point now where I, Also was having a, a period where I was wondering like, well, if this was it, like, would I have regrets? And I feel like now I don't, but in the past, there was a point when I just was living for, I just continued to postpone what I wanted now for a future. And I realized I was, living for retirement. And when that wasn't guaranteed. So, I'm curious, like, what you think were some of, like, the things that helped you to just feel, that sense of peace that you were. Mm.


I grew up as a child of a single immigrant mother, right? Asian immigrant, like tiger mom, like who really, especially in the first like 20 something years of my life, um, and this is a very like Asian, Asian, I don't know if it's even Asian immigrant. I think it's just a very Asian family kind of thing where like, as a child, you're not viewed as like an individual being you are views that viewed as an extension of the family or the parent or whatever. Right. And so therefore there's all this pressure to live your life according to the expectations of your family, in my case, my mother. And so it was never, I wasn't raised with. Transcript by Rev. com Page 1 of 12 Curiosity around who I was as a person. What are your hobbies? What do you like to do? It was more like, you need to be good at math. You need to become a doctor, lawyer, accountant. You need to do it. It was always just like these expectations that were placed upon me versus any type of curiosity around who I was as an individual person. And I think that growing up in that way of like feeling so oppressed by these expectations at a very early age, I was very resistant to that. Yeah. Um, and I think that's definitely like the karmic contract that my mom and I had where like she desperately wanted to have control and like for me, I was born as like this freedom seeking, very independent thinking kind of person. So there was a lot of clash there. Um, but it like when I was a young adult, Like really, like, you know, my, my first, I guess, like my first spiritual awakening started when I was like 17 years old and that's when my path started kind of, um, going in a different direction. And from that point, I had started living my life based on, What my values were what I wanted out of life and you know, obviously it's not an overnight thing. It had taken a lot of Miss missteps and and all of these things, but I was very determined to live my life according to my own compass and my own values versus like what my mom wanted of me by by the time I Was in college, you know, she really wanted me to study accounting and I was like, do you know me? like if I study accounting, I'm never gonna finish college and I chose to study psychology and She was very upset we fought about it a lot but it was something that I knew I had to do and I wanted to do and and so in these small kind of micro decisions on my path of life Kind of really choosing what felt right to me. And that led up to bigger decisions like quitting my corporate job when I knew that it wasn't correct for me and deciding to travel the world and which eventually helped me to intersect with my, my work now, my, what I feel is my life's work at becoming a coach. And, um, so, Um, you know, there's, um, there's this, I think she was a nurse named Bronnie Ware and she wrote a book called the five, the five, top five regrets of the dying because she would, um, basically be in hospice care, taking care of everybody, all these people who are on their death beds. And she would interview these people to ask them like, you know, what were their top regrets? Um, and the number one that she found, the number, top. Regret that she found at the dying was I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself not the life others expected of me and That was really what it was for me Like when I came face to face with my own mortality and I sat there and I was like damn like Every dream that I had like the places I wanted to go the goals that I wanted to pursue the things I wanted to attempt like I went for it Even if I failed, even if I haven't finished, you know, like I went for it and sitting there, like lying on the floor, sobbing in the arms of my partner at the time, like




having flashbacks to the travels that I had been on and that I had attempted to start this coaching business, that I quit my corporate job, that I tried to put on like art music events in my local bar and like all these things that like, I just fucking went for it and I was proud of that and I was like, you know, I'm not, I'm not a millionaire, but like, I'm damn proud of what I've done with the life that I had. And, and you know, I didn't hear about the, the book top five regrets of the dying until after. And I was like, ah, that's what that was, you know, like living a life that was true to myself, no matter what the expectations were. And, you know, the second. Top regret of the dying is I wish I hadn't worked so hard. Um, Which is like going back to what you were saying, you know, and you're like, Oh, I was working for retirement and all these things. And like, just somebody the other day, um, maybe it was like a couple of weeks ago was telling me this, um, this little parable, and I'm probably going to totally butcher it. But he was talking about, cause I'm in Mexico right now. And he was like, oh, okay. So there was like a Mexican fisherman and American fishermen, and they were living in this, uh, fisherman's town and they each bought a boat and, you know, Uh, throughout the course of their lives, you know, the Mexican fishermen just like had this boat and he went out in a day and came back at like 2 p. m. and like, you know, yada, yada. The American guy who bought the fisherman's boat, he like, he like worked every day, like worked really hard. He then bought another, a second boat and then over time, then he like bought a third boat and he grew a team and he was working really hard and all these things. And eventually he bought this whole fleet and like created this da, da, da, da. And it was like 40 years later or something. And, um, the, the. American fisherman is like got this huge successful company and he's like exhausted, but he like turns this like Mexican fisherman. He's like, how come you haven't like Um, Mexican fishermen still has his one little boat, you know, and he's like, how come you haven't tried harder to like build something bigger for yourself? Um, and like I said, I'm going to butcher this story. And, and I think maybe the Mexican fisherman was like, well, how come you've worked so hard? And he was like, well, I want to work hard because I want to make sure to like, be able to like go to the beach and enjoy it with my family. Once I retire, blah, blah, blah. And the Mexican fisherman was like, yeah, well, I wanted to just be able to enjoy the beach and enjoy time with my family every day. And I've been able to do that every day until now. And you haven't, you know, and then the American fisherman was like, well, shit,




missed out on 40 years of beach time and family time, you know? And, and I thought that was so funny. It's so interesting. And it's definitely reflected in kind of the culture and life here too.


Oh my


take it easy, you know? Yeah.


I love that and I like how you brought up like not being a millionaire and like I, what came up is like that you are rich in life experiences, right? And like at the end of our life, like that's what matters. And in that story that you shared too, it's like, how can you bring that joy and pleasure and fulfillment and energy into every day instead of




this, we all, or at least I got caught up in that mindset of just like sacrificing so much of those things, thinking that I needed to do that in order to like have something better. I was definitely just stuck in that mindset of like, As soon as this happens, then things will be better and you can waste your whole Being stuck in that and I'm I love how you know, you mentioned like knowing your Values and just like knowing what was important to you I think that that is so important like for anyone listening. I cannot overestimate the power of taking the time to like really get clear on what are your values because that is so helpful for when you have those moments of like, I don't know if this is going to work, but I want to go for it and try because, you know, worst case is like it doesn't work and you learn something about yourself and you know, you know,


absolutely. Yeah. Like your values are your compass and it's like work with any, any trained coach. Right. And like one of the first things they're going to do is like, okay, let's do a values exercise. It's so underrated, but it's like, You, that's your compass, you know, anytime you feel lost or directionless or whatever, it's like, come back to your values, what's really, truly important to you in your life. And, and that will help nudge you in the right direction, you know? And, and for me, like becoming a millionaire was not a value for me. And like, yes, stability and security is, is a value, but it's more of a requirement, a need of like our human basic needs. But a value of mine is like freedom is a big value of mine. And it's like, you know, Going back to like what you can and can't take with you to your deathbed. It's like when I was lying there like With my life flashing before my eyes and unsure of if this was like it for me, I had so much warmth and solace in my memories of like riding motorcycles in the mountains of Vietnam with my partner and like, like trekking through the mountains of Patagonia and like salsa dancing in Columbia and doing all of these rock climbing in Thailand, like all of these like dreams that I had. And it's like, I went and fucking did it. And so when I was coming face to face with my mortality, it's like. Those were the things that I could hold close to my heart. Not like how much money was in my bank. Yes. Money's important. We need it to live. I, I understand this, but like also what's important is like living your life. in accordance to your values and what's important to you and having good relations and making sure that you can get to your deathbed feeling fucking proud of the life that you've created and the impact that you've had in this world, big or small, you know, and that's something that I, I knew intellectually before, but after that experience, it was like, Oh no, I know this to the core of my being, but that's, what's really fucking important in life, you know, like,


yeah, that's huge. I love that and I think that is like you cannot Emphasize the importance of that enough and I think you know anytime I'm talking to somebody who has goals I'm always encouraging to them to think like, okay when you have that like say it is a money goal Then like how are you imagining that's gonna make you feel or what is that changing and then thinking about like how can you have that? Now in everyday life or like what, how can you connect with that feeling? Cause that's just like, you know, the money is just that's not ultimately what you want. You're imagining that that's going to give you something. And, and sometimes it may not even be that money, you know, it's like the, the fisherman who just wants to like, enjoy time on the beach with the family. So,


Yeah. Oh, I love that. That's so true. You know, when like going a layer deeper in terms of our goals and desires, it's like, well, what is that? What, what is that going to do for you? How's that going to make you feel? Yes. Yes.


Absolutely. And so, I'd love to talk about human design, because I feel like that also ties in so well with increasing self awareness, and also just knowing how to work with your energy, and navigating life, and even when you're having to make those big, scary decisions. Um, you know, when you're feeling pulled towards something. So, for those that are listening, who have like no idea what we're talking about when it comes to human design, can you give a little, like, intro to like, what is that and why is it


So. Yeah, human design, like the simplest way that I can put it is for people that maybe have no idea what it is. It's like, think of it as like astrology on steroids, right? Like astrology is one of the six systems in human design that is synthesized together to create this almost like energetic blueprint of you. So it uses your birth information. So it's not like a questionnaire. It's not subjective, right? It's you plug in your birth information and it generates a blueprint. This chart of that tells you about the nature of your energy, the best uses of your energy, how your energy interacts with the world and the people around you. And really what I find that this framework, this tool is really, really helpful for is Minimizing friction in your life, like maximizing ease, maximizing efficiency in the uses of your energy so that you're not feeling like you're swimming upstream anymore. Like, so like we're all built differently, but like we are conditioned in a culture that like tries to homogenize us. Everybody work a 40 hour work week. Everybody do the ba, ba, ba, ba, ba it's like this fucking conveyor belt. Everybody learned this one way in this education system. And then go into the work force of work is 40 hour work week. And not everybody operates that way, but we're conditioned to believe we are, which is what oftentimes leads us to burnout because we're working against the natural inclinations of our energy. And so, so many of us are conditioned to believe that. To be swimming upstream constantly swimming against the natural flow of our energy and what human design is really helpful with is understanding how to flow with our own river, how to move throughout our world in a way that is most energetically efficient for us. And that is like such a game changer. And that's just like one tiny little aspect of human design. And there's this whole other. That's like the tip of the iceberg, right? Um, but yeah, and it gives you these like really simple, easy to use strategies, tools to, I don't want to say like get in alignment. That's such a, you know, but yeah, to get in alignment or to like harmonize, to like get into your track, so to speak, your railroad track, so that you're minimizing the friction on your path. And so, Yeah. In a nutshell, that's what human design can be very powerful with is like helping you understand your own energetic anatomy.


Yeah, that's a great description. And I definitely experienced that, like, realizing that I was a manifester and had been trying to operate like a generator for a very long time, um, that was eye opening and, and also helped me with just giving myself permission to rest during the times when I felt my energy lull. You know, I have as a manifester and maybe we can talk more about the types in a minute, but I learned that, you know, I can have a lot of ideas and there can be periods of time when I have a lot of energy, but then there are times when that goes away when I need to rest and I had been stuck in flight mode and hustle culture and didn't. Didn't realize that importance of the rest part. So, um, that was really eyeopening.


Yeah. And similar for projectors too. Like, you know, just for you guys out there, uh, we live in a generators world that's like 75 percent of the population. These are the people that like, The 40 hour work week, if they're doing something they really love is no problem for a generator and generator types make up 75 percent of the population. So it's no wonder that the world is built for and by. generator types of people. But for people like Amelia and myself, which is a manifester and I'm a projector, we don't necessarily have the energetic anatomy to output that much energy. Our energy comes in waves in bursts and we actually need a lot more rest than generator types do. And so people that are manifestors and projectors and reflectors in the human design system, we're conditioned to like, believe. Oh my God, we're lazy. We're not being productive enough. And, and so then we operate against our, what our bodies are telling us. And then we, we experienced burnout and it's like rough, you know? Um, but for me as well, learning about my energetic anatomy was so liberating. And it was just like, okay, like that level of self awareness. self acceptance that came from that instead of the conditioned shame that I experienced around, like, why is that normal grind so hard for me? And then realizing like, well, because it just is because I'm not built for it. And like, okay, that's okay. And that felt so liberating for me. Like, Oh my God.






Absolutely, it feels so good when you feel seen kind of, you know, or you hear something and I know when I did the reading with you, I just was like, Oh my gosh, like this just sounds so true, you know, and I was going into it with some skepticism, but I think any kind of. tool where you suddenly just feel like you can see yourself from a new perspective or one that is empowering and helps you to understand how to work and unshame, you know, from some patterns.




that's hugely liberating and powerful. Yeah.


A lot of people describe, uh, I've had a lot of people like cry during readings because the way that I explain to people is like, you're not going to hear something that you didn't already deeply know about yourself on like, on like a soul level, but having somebody who like, doesn't even know you, right? Like reflect and mirror that back to you. Like people, like you said, Amelia, just feels so seen on a level that they have been wanting to be seen for a long time and to be validated For like who they are and how they know they are here to show up in this world Even though society and culture and hustle culture is telling them otherwise, right? So it is this really beautiful like validating experience and self affirming experience to start exploring your human design and learning more about it


Yeah, yeah. And so you listed some of them, but I'm curious, can we go through the five, there are five types, right,


Right. Mm hmm.


to like give people a little summary. Maybe they can start guessing which one they might be.


Mm hmm. So we have manifestors, generators, manifesting generators, projectors, and reflectors. So the best, like, most concise way that I can put this is manifestors are here to ignite energy. You guys are the fire starters, the initiators, the ones that are here to lead people, projects, and things in new directions. Like, you're here to get things started. Right? Um, generators and manifesting generators are here to apply energy. So you guys are the builders here to channel and apply your powerful life force energy into projects and ideas that really spark something in you and what you apply your energy into has to feel like a satisfying use of your energy. You're really here to pour all of that life force that you have into projects and ideas and companies and things that are satisfying for you. And then we have projectors. Projectors are here to guide energy. So you are here to sense and guide, the best and most efficient uses of energy within people or even like systems, projects, um, groups. Right. And when I say systems, I mean, like things like, like engineers, right. And a lot of, projectors that I know are engineers. So projectors are really here to sense and guide the best and most efficient uses of energy. And then they are here to be recognized and invited to use their insight to effectively guide, right? Projectors are not really here to do all the doing, but rather to guide. The doing, if that makes sense. And then reflectors are here to mirror energy. Reflectors are really meant to be at the core of their communities to reflect back the health or detriment of how that community is doing. Right? So if a reflector is in a community or a company or organization, or an environment that is healthy, it's running well, things are going smoothly. Um, they're going to reflect that they're going to feel healthy. They're going to feel like things are going smoothly. If a reflector is in a community that is not healthy, that is not running efficiently, that is not running smoothly. They are going to reflect that too. They are really here to be the barometers of health for a community, organization, society, et cetera. And so manifestors are here to ignite energy generators and manifesting generators are here to apply energy projectors are here to guide Energy and reflectors are here to mirror energy


So cool. And, and like you said, it can, it's easy to look up like your whole chart, which looks really cool and interesting and complicated there are like numbers and lines and everything. And I can link to some in the show notes where, but there are some websites, right? Where you can just put in, you need to know your. birthdate, where you were born, and the time you were born, and then it'll generate your chart. Is that right?


Yeah. Yeah. And the more accurate of a time that you can get, the better. Um, I use human design because that one, you don't have to put your email address, you can just pop your thing in. You can just generate a chart. So that's the one that I usually give to people. Mm-Hmm. Yeah. Yeah, and once you do have your chart, I have free human design masterclasses for your types. And those masterclasses are honestly so full of such powerful information. And they weren't, they didn't start off as free, but then I decided to give them away. And honestly, You're going to learn so much about yourself in those. So like, once you, once you generate your chart and you find out your human design type, um, reach out to me or Amelia and we can share the link for the free human design masterclasses. Cause that stuff is like life changing. Uh, right.


Yeah, I cannot recommend them enough! Anyone I talk to about human design. I'm like, you have to check out Yvonne's free masterclasses, and it really is packed with So much value. Like, that was what I originally did. I think you had shared in a group that those were available and so I was so curious. And as soon as I listened to mine, which is, it really, it's like at least an hour, I feel like, packed with information about that, I was like, Oh my gosh, this is so cool. So then I was listening to all the other ones because I wanted to like, find out like, with all my friends and family, like, what's your chart so I can like, try to learn about you. Um, so yes, we'll definitely link to those too in the show notes. because that alone is so cool and that was after I did that then I was like well now I need to know more like I want to know all about my chart and and the readings with you are hugely valuable too so I also really recommend that but there are I mean in those master classes I think some of the other things you talk about is um like the strategy and inner authority that can you That's also just more information on, like, how to help with, like, kind of making decisions, maybe. Um, I mean, you might be able to describe, not necessarily the types, but just, like, what do those tell you? How are they


Yeah. So each of the different types has a strategy and each person has their different authority. And our strategy is really how we minimize friction. And our strategy is tied to our type, you know, the types being manifestor generator, manifesting generator, projector, reflector. Um, each of the different types has a different strategy to minimize friction, um, based on your energetic anatomy. Right. And so I'll use an example of my own strategy and how it helped me come into alignment with my path. I guess my path of least resistance. Um, and so for me as a projector, our strategy is wait for the invitation, quote unquote. Um, and this can be like a little bit cryptic or whatever, because it's like wait for the invitation. The fuck does that mean? Um, but what it really boils down to as a projector is we are really meant to be recognized and invited into our path. Right. And so, For me, going down the path that I was going down in, after I came back from traveling, um, in 2018, I was like what the fuck am I going to do with my life? Like I had not found work to me that was like, this is, this is what I really want to do. And so I had gone back to my corporate job part time cause they'd asked me to come back. But I was like, I can come back, but I can't come back full time because like I left for a reason. Right. And then I was like bartending part time and I was, trying to do these like art and music events at the bar that I was working at, but there was like a lot of friction there because I wasn't recognized or valued for my perspective and insight. You know, it was something that I had tried to initiate, which I'm not here to initiate. Manifestos are really here to initiate. And I was like, at working at this bar bartending, and I was like, I really want to do these art and music events da, da, da, da, da before being recognized. for the, for my ability to do that, for my perspective in like bringing value in that way. And so I was like swimming upstream the whole time. Like, let me tell you, I was getting super bitter, which is the projector, not self theme. And a not self theme is something also in human design that will tell you whether you're on or off track for projectors, it's bitterness. And I was experiencing tons of bitterness and So shit wasn't working out. I kept hitting roadblocks around every corner. And then, and then I would somehow found myself this close to starting to sell life insurance. Right. It's like, and if anybody knows me, they're like, what? are you fucking kidding? I had like, I had even like gone and bought like a new wardrobe to like,


No way.


like, like these shoes and like everything to start on this journey of selling life insurance. It's like, I think back and I'm like, I was so off track. Like I was so bitter and so off track. I was just like, I just need to find something. Right. And, and during like a. four month period as I was, you know, navigating this landscape of swimming upstream. I would have these random conversations with people like at parties and bars and, um, barbecues and things like that. And they asked me if I was a life coach or if I had ever considered being a life coach. And like one happened, I was at a bar, I literally walked up to the bar to just like order some food and like, Had a conversation with the girl sitting next to me for like less than 10 minutes. And by the end of 10 minutes, she was like crying and like, we were hugging. And she asked me if I was a life coach. I was like, I didn't know what a life coach was at the time. I was like, no, but nice to meet you.




then it happened again. Um, and within a four month period, this had happened to me six times. And it started increasing in frequency, um, where people had asked me if I was a life coach or if I've ever thought about it. And by the time the sixth person asked me, I remembered my human design and I was like, Oh wait, these are the invitations. This is where I'm being recognized and invited into my path. Right. And understanding my human design helped me recognize that helped me understand that. And so. By the time the sixth person asked me, I was like, okay, well, I guess I better just at least look up what a life coach is. And I looked it up and you guys, I was floored. I was like, holy shit, like a job like this exists. Like I feel like I was born to do this. Like I studied psychology, but I didn't want to become a therapist and like coaching is like therapy, but like on the other side of the spectrum, right. And instead of helping people get from like, suffering to baseline, you're helping people get from baseline to thriving and it just felt like all of my life experience, everything had led me to that point. And it was like all the pieces came together and That's what I really believe like human design can do for you is once you understand how the mechanics of your energy works, you can start paying attention to the things you're supposed to be paying attention to. Right. And, um, I always tell my projector clients like stop chasing and start paying attention. Stop chasing and start paying attention to where you're being recognized because as a projector your strategy is wait to be invited or wait to be recognized For your skills your gifts your insight your perspective and where that is wanted, right?




so that's one example like a real life example of how your human design strategy can help you get into alignment. Right? And it's not like the super linear process that's like step by step, right? Because life never is, but it gives you these tools and this understanding to navigate life and understand where to be putting your energy, I guess, so to speak.


Yeah, I feel like that's such a great example of like, adjusting your brain filter, right? Because those different interactions, like, you may not have even, really noticed them as much, but, like, having that, like, brain filter to be watching out for those almost, like, invitations, I feel like really helped you to connect with a career that was so fulfilling. I think that's so cool.


Yeah, and like when I, I have a lot of generator clients, right? Generators and like manifesting generators you guys are generators, but like a subtype of generator. So just putting that out there. And like, this is what I mean by like having these really practical, easy to use tools in human design to bring awareness to. It's like the brain filters like you're talking about and it's like with generators. You're not self themed as frustration Because you are here to put your energy into places projects things that are satisfying Satisfying uses of your energy like it feels good to put my energy into this shit, right? Like that's how that's how it should feel or like even if it doesn't feel good It at least feels satisfying Like, yeah, I did the damn thing like that. Yeah. I feel good about that. You know what I mean? And when you're not able to put your energy and your life force into things that are satisfying for you, you're going to feel frustrated. You're going to feel like, Oh my God, I would rather be doing anything else, but this shit, like, why do I have to keep putting my energy into this shit when I really want to be putting it into this? Right. And it's like that frustration is you're not self theme as a generator type. And that is the signpost telling you, Hey, you're, you're swimming upstream right now. Right. So it brings into your awareness. It alerts you as to when you need to make a correction. Right. And like for generator types, it's. Your strategy is wait to respond. You're also not here to chase anything, right? Like you guys are magnetic that life force that you have is constantly magnetizing opportunities because all these projects and and things are like Looking for generator types to apply their energy to build it out and bring it to fruition And so it's like when you're chasing something You don't know if it's correct for you or not, but there is this whole aspect of trusting in the magnetism of your own energy to bring what's correct to you. And as things cross your field, like this project comes across your field or this company or this person or whatever, and it lights you up and you feel like, Oh yeah, this feels like I want to put my energy into this. That's how you know, right? And so it's all of these kind of like simple tools and strategies. Of how to just move about your day to day life in order to bring about less friction and more ease, which ultimately at the end of the day helps you align with your higher path or purpose so to speak, instead of chasing your higher path and purpose, it's, it's not about that. Everybody asks me like, well, human design helped me unlock my purpose and da, da, da, da, da. It's like, yes, but not in the way you think. You know, it, instead of being fixated on that end goal, it's really about bringing yourself to the present moment as we open this call with and applying these tools to your day to day life and interactions. And before you know it, all of a sudden you're walking this path of purpose, not because you were chasing it, but because you were using these tools to align with your path of least resistance to stop swimming upstream. And effectively what happens is like, who would have thought our path of least resistance and when we're not swimming upstream, when we're flowing of our, with our river, that is our purpose. You know, our purpose is not like the thing that we do, but it's how we move about the world and what naturally unfolds from that process. Right. Yes.


I think that is just so powerful, and I think there are two things, I mean I love how that, what is it called, not self, like the frustration, or the bitterness, or I know for manifestors, like anger, you know, so much of what I talk about is like, Your body has so much wisdom, and listening to it is so valuable, and sometimes, like, all of those kind of negative emotions we may just feel like we're too caught up in, or trying to bury, and instead Instead, like, when you do have that shifted perspective of, oh, I'm feeling bitter, angry, okay, I'm getting a little off course, and letting that be like a pause, and like, shifting into a calmer state and getting curious about, okay, what's going on right now, that is not in alignment. I think that that




so great for, for living a life where you're not, yeah, like trying to swim upstream. And, yeah.




And I


That's such a good point.


thank you.




it also sounds so helpful for, like, manifesting, like, what you were saying about the generators, too. You know, I feel like, when you take the time to just, allow yourself to think about, like, what is it that you do want to manifest. And I feel like for generators, it sounds like, you know, they have that magnetism. If you are, like, putting out there, like, what opportunities you maybe want, then, and then you're a generator, and you have that magnetism, then you're, like, putting that into the world. You have that brain filter, and, like, all those opportunities can find you, and, and it feels magical, right?


like really does and like to people who are very skeptical, right? Some of this just sounds like, I don't know. I don't know about that, right? Because it's like, oh, trust in the magnetism, trust in the universe, yada, yada, yada. But like, let me tell you, like, I've seen this shit work before with my clients firsthand and I have no other fucking explanation, no logical explanation other than the energetics of their human design. Like, um, I had a client and she was working in this job and she was starting to feel quite burnt out and stretched thin. And she, she loved the company. She loved the team, but like, she was really starting to struggle. And so we worked together on like, Unloading her plate with a lot of the stuff that wasn't a satisfying use of her energy, finding ways to delegate that stuff because generator types, the biggest thing for you guys is creating space. That can magnetize if your plate is fucking full you can't magnetize shit And so we had created all this space and we were talking she's like, I really love writing I would love to have some more writing projects. I want to work on da da da da da da da and After clearing her plate of a bunch of stuff delegating a bunch of stuff talking with her her boss about you know Being able to delegate these things that like just were not in her zone of genius After we did all that within, within two weeks, and this tends to happen with generator types, a two to three week period that I've seen with all the generators I've worked with within two to three weeks, her boss literally walks up to her table and drops like a booklet on her table and invites her to, um, Participate and collaborate on writing a, like, I can't remember exactly what it was, but it was like writing a company book about something. And she messaged me. She was like, dude, like I literally just got invited to collaborate on a writing project of writing a book. And like, we had just talked about like the week or two before that she wanted to start a writing project. And that's what she like really wanted to do. And so It's shit like this where it's like, okay, how am I supposed to explain this to people? Like, it sounds made up. It sounds like magic, you know? And, and another example is one of my other clients. She, she and her partner were like, um, like really, struggling with finding a place to move and all of these things. They were both struggling with work and both of them are generator types. And so like we worked around clearing their plate, a bunch of the stuff, and you know, not chasing down a place to live and just You know, calming the nervous system and all these things. And within two to three weeks, somebody above them cause they had just decided they wanted to live together, but they were having a hard time finding a place in their budget and things like that. The person living upstairs from them was moving out and it was the perfect size within their budget. And they came downstairs and knocked on their door and like mentioned, Hey, by the way, I'm moving out. And, and so it's just like, and I'll give you one more example because like, If it's three examples, then maybe like, maybe that's enough to convince the skeptics, right? Like my sister, she, and this has happened with my sister as well as one of the first clients that I worked with job hunting, right? They were both like job hunting, filling out hundreds of job applications, shotgun method, right? And they're both generator types and really kind of like. diluting their energy through the process of shotgun method. Right. And, and I was working with them and with my client, I was like, Oh, with my sister too, I was like, you need to get clarity first on your values on what kinds of companies you want to work with. This, this shotgun method isn't going to work for you. You're going to dilute your energy, dilute your magnetism. And so get very clear on What types of companies you want to work for, what types of values you want that company to be aligned with and stop, stop doing the shotgun method. Get very clear on it. And, um, with the first client that I had talked that I had done this work with, um, she had done like hundreds of job applications. We put a pause on that, got her that clarity. And then she only applied to like three jobs and she Got job offers from two of them where she hadn't even landed an interview in the previous hundreds that she had done. And they were super aligned, like dream companies that she wanted. And she, Landed offers from both of them. And with my sister, we put a pause on her shotgun method job hunt, just got clear on what she was looking for and what she wanted. And within two weeks she didn't even apply. This company reached out to her and she's working there right now and she couldn't be happier. Right? So like this is the kind of shit where I'm like, I can't. I cannot cater to your intellect to tell you why this shit works. It just is the nature of the energetics of like how you're energetically designed to move through the world with less friction and more ease. And like. It's something that like for me with a very strong intellect, I was at odds with myself for a long time of just like, this makes so much sense to my intuition, but my intellect is like, how do I even explain this to people? You know, but it just, it just, yeah, I don't know. Case studies, I guess it's like the best way that I can relay how, how powerful and effective knowing about your human design can be to provide you with less friction in life. You know, it's really about. energetic hygiene and energetic sovereignty when I think of human design. It's like, yeah.


Yeah, those are such exciting and great examples. And I think, yeah, even if, you know, someone's skeptical, there's nothing to lose to look up your human design and to learn a little bit. And I feel like, why not just like get a little curious and playful and see if like, there's anything useful you get from it, then awesome. And if not, like, That's nothing is lost, but


Yeah. That's so true. You got nothing to lose.


right. And, and definitely want to mention that you are doing these cool new events, these like human design, coffee chats, because. You just had one this month and I could only attend half of it, but it just, it got me really excited about human design all over again because that was another, like, opportunity of just hearing other people talking about how they're using their knowledge about their human design type and how it's like just resulting in these really cool empowering, realizations or opportunities. So, is that Are you having more or do you mind sharing a little about


definitely. Yeah. This is something that I've been wanting to do for a long time. So I'm really excited to, to get started with it. It's going to be these monthly human design coffee chats where we just get together with a like minded group of people and just like geek out on human design and share our stories. It's like really casual, informal, very lightly structured. And I ask people that are part of the coffee club to submit questions that they have. And like, for me, As a fourth line in human design, which is a whole other aspect of human design, like community is super important. And like, I know that when I find people that like, are interested about human design, I get so excited to talk with people about it because it's like, Oh, yay, finally, I can talk with somebody about this. Um, and yeah, so it's just like a fun, casual monthly meetup for us to just like connect with one another and. geek out on this stuff and get questions answered and things like that. So the next one is going to be on April Yes, April 19th. It's going to be, okay, now let me try to do this. With the fact that Mexico does not do daylight savings, uh, 9 a. m. Pacific time. So it's going to be 9 a. m. Pacific time on April 19th, um, via zoom. And I can definitely share the link with Amelia if she wants to plug that in somewhere for you guys, but you can also, um, follow me on Instagram and I put like updates on there too. And I think that'll be in the show notes as well.


Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. I really enjoyed it. I think that's such a cool thing that you're doing to get people together. And for people who start listening to and learning about human design and love it, like, do you have recommendations for if they want to go down that rabbit hole or to learn more? Like, where,


Yeah. I think like for. I mean definitely if you're like really interested in learning more about your human design personally, I would say book a reading whether with me or with a reader who resonates with you because I think that's also important too is like getting a reading by somebody whose language resonates with you because every reader is going to be filtering this system through their own unique lens. And every reader is going to be different. And you know, I realized that I'm not for everybody and every reader out there is not for everybody. And, but when you find a reader whose language resonates with you, that's when it can have a really impactful experience, or that's when you can have a really impactful experience. So if you're curious, the best way to learn more about your human design, I would say is to get a reading, have a reading with your human design chart with a reader. Um, and Other than that, I would say there are blogs out there. I think the blog that I first went down the rabbit hole with was interior creature, but I'm also like a blogs person. I'm sure there's plenty of stuff on YouTube, things like that. Hopefully that's a platform that I'll be expanding towards in the future with my slow projector timelines, which is like, I'm okay with that. But, um, yeah. And I think a really good basic, Book would be understanding your human design by Karen Curry. Um, if you want to go down the rabbit hole, the official book is, um, oh my gosh, how am I forgetting the name of it right now? Um, by Ra Uhuru, The, the official book of human design,, um, the Ra Uruhu is the guy who, who had transmitted this system, channeled it. He channeled it in like seven days, like from this voice that like just download through his head. Yeah. It's wild. Um, but yeah, and. Hmm. Let's see. Yeah. And if you guys are interested in joining my email list and my sub stack, I'll be starting a blog there and just sharing a bunch of information on human design. Um, this year, kind of like starting to expand on what it is that I offer people in terms of like content and things like that. Um, in my little projector fashion, you know, so I'm really excited about that.


Yeah, that's great. And then they can also find you on Instagram, right?


Correct. Yeah. At Yvonne chung. co.


Amazing. Yeah. So I feel like we're nearing our time, even though I feel like I could chat with you forever. but definitely recommend that people check out all of your resources. You've done an amazing job of making that really accessible. And is there anything that you wanted to add before, before we end?


Um, I think that like for human design, it's like, I always feel like when people feel the call or the pull towards like understanding their human design, human design finds you at the right time. Right. And there's like, um, that's just something that I've experienced over and over with people that like, There's some kind of nugget of wisdom in there for you that can be supportive for you on your journey. And like you had said before, it's like, um, you have nothing to lose. And in the human design system, the guy who originally had channeled it, he was like, this is all an experiment. It's, it's, It's just play with the tools and see what happens. It's not a religion. It's not a belief system. It's not, it's just mechanical tools that you can try out and see like, does it make a difference in your life? And I really encourage people to approach it that way from this kind of like experimentation, like don't have any expectations, but just like try it out. See what happens. You might be pleasantly surprised, you know, so yeah, I think that's that's all I'd like to say about that It's just like come to it with an open mind and a playful spirit. Like you said See see what happens Right,


a great message. I love that. And in listening to you talking about human design and I feel like there are so many themes that align with a lot of concepts that I talk about outside of human design, you know, like listening to what your body's saying and your nervous system and Clearing your plate. I know, I love that you're saying that, you know, and just getting rid of the things that are draining your energy and not necessary. And I think that human design is just a really cool way of looking at that, because you never know which perspective is the one that's really going to resonate and help that message that you really need to hear, like, really sink in in a way that is actually helpful. And so I




it's. Really cool tool to play around with.


Yeah, you're you're absolutely right. Like human design is a tool for energetic awareness




It's just like understanding your energetic awareness and all the things you could do to like get clear on that and to Like I said energetic hygiene energetic sovereignty, you know, and it's at the most fundamental basic level That's what it is and it's like and like you said energy is everything and so if we can have like a Framework that can help support us in like managing our energy better It's worth a shot. You know what I'm saying? And, and also, like you said, it's like every person has specific frameworks that resonate the most with them. And like human design may not resonate with everybody. For some people, it may be astrology, or it may be, I don't know, there's a plethora of frameworks and systems for personal development, self awareness, self knowledge out there. For me personally, and the people that I work with, human design resonates, resonates a lot. And so um Take what resonates leave the rest and just know that like whatever tool you're using on this journey of self development and Self understanding like it should be something that feels empowering to you and liberating not like dogmatic and boxed in Yeah


I couldn't agree more. I was just always listening to what, what's that thing that just lifts that weight off your shoulders and helps you to feel like you can breathe again and feel that pull towards and like, go for it. Yeah.




Awesome. Well, thank you so much. I know that those listening, you're just going to be getting so much out of this. You've shared so much wisdom and hopefully they're excited about learning more about human design.


Hmm. Thanks so much. Thank you. Thanks for having me


Yeah. Bye.

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